Notable work of French poetic realism from the 1930s. Loved the use of windows and mirrors. The contrast between roughness and softness. Many symbolic elements. Famous realistic set of the town - irony of Francois achieving his great fame as a “criminal.” Social commentary through tear gas. Loved the ending with alarm going off as a time indicator.
homeland彻底完结现在还无法平息Brody公开处死的结局残忍吗不Carrie的结局才是真正的残忍死亡不是最可怕的结局而是活在无休止的修罗场里以身炼狱彻头彻尾一个理想者的殉道故事甚至连赞歌都不是理想者不追求自我幸福不追求世俗完满追求理想吗而理想值得追求吗没有答案日本XMXMXM18小孩只是如果不这么做不按内心的指引去做会死这是理想者无法解脱的金刚圈what's on ur side? It must be very very lonely九年了~bye Carrie,bye my Quinn,bye 老叶bye saul! What's the next? Better call saul.