“让我们成为两个孩子两位青年无从迷恋惊艳万物苍白地躺在成荫树下未知万物皆已原谅他们”我迷恋本杰明·瓦赞的颜迷恋他的右眼迷恋他和Alexis乘着帆船在海洋徜徉迷恋欧容镜头里法式爱情的色调迷恋海滩边五颜六色的屋顶迷恋巨大落地窗外浅蓝的天空和浅绿的海迷恋Alexis在David 坟头肆意而悲伤的舞姿迷恋Rod Stewart 用沙哑的嗓音唱着:I am flying, I am flying, like a bird 'cross the sky, I am flying passing high clouds, to be with u, to be free … “如果有一件事情是重要的那就是我成功逃离了这段与他的历史”一切美好与伤痛终将逝去我开始庆幸一切曾经发生
Effortless, dry, bare, and stylish. Fascinatingly deadpan. Nothing new under the sun and we unfortunately carry ourselves wherever we go. The texture of life moments are so precipitable. Eva的穿衣风格真好看影片也很好看