可能是年代的关系画质实在是太支离破碎了很多画面还黑乎乎的完全看不见但是不妨碍这故事的美妙所以爱情总是在下雨天她的伞倾向他的时候她就已经爱了她的脚踝扭伤他抱住她的时候他们早已经相爱了借梁祝说我爱你暧昧的东方美学和极致拉扯日本鬼子真是万恶之源战争真是令人害怕和恶心John Cho的眼睛太有魅力了he is really hot
香蕉姐的角色最出彩感谢七十年代的前辈们的不妥协和坚持胜利终将来临Changing this will take a very long time, but after all, we are dealing with 10,000 years of patriarchy and racism, but we must continue to move forward in waves. What will keep us going is the revelation of what we can be, what the people around us can be without the crippling walls and prisons into which we have been forced.