Good or bad, Cain and Abel, Cal and Arron... 家庭关系能有多伤人没什么有违伦常的情节看的时候却也能深叹人性之复杂仿佛内心被人在善恶两端撕扯只是结局令人遗憾为什么不能停留在爆发力最强的那一刻为什么Cal不能真正地堕落不知道背后存不存在某种妥协对我而言是差一点的masterpieceJames Dean的最佳表演在这里他充满渴望的眼神能使周围的一切都黯淡无光这部片子放大了他脆弱、神经质的一面演技兼具大开大合与敏感纤细外形优越气质独特魅力无限真正的天才级明星演员
You are a beautiful monster, Villanelle. Monstrous people like you often feels like they have to fly solo, like they have to keep things bottled up inside them, thoughts, feelings, secrets, and that can affect their ability to be truly monstrous.